HIGH FIVE® is a global quality standard for recreation and sport developed by Parks and Recreation Ontario with the support and endorsement of the Province of Ontario. Since its inception in 1994, the HIGH FIVE® standard and related tools, training materials and processes have been continually refined with input from sport and recreation professionals as well as experts in fields of healthy child development, quality assurance and quantitative and qualitative research.
HIGH FIVE® is Canada’s comprehensive quality standard for organizations that provide recreation and sport programs for children aged 4 to 12 and adults 55+.

What are the Principles?
HIGH FIVE® is based on five Principles of healthy child development and healthy aging essential for quality programs. This foundation comes from extensive research into what constitutes quality experiences for participants, and the practical application of our Principles in programs.
Today, HIGH FIVE® holds to the five Principles that the research indicates are essential for quality programs:
A Caring Leader
The opportunity to make Friends
The opportunity to Play,
The opportunity to Master Skills and
The opportunity to Participate.
Achieve excellence in Sport and Recreation programs. Let HIGH FIVE® do the heavy lifting!
Welcome to HIGH FIVE®, where we understand the complexity of managing participant programs. Balancing daily operations requires meticulous attention to detail while ensuring the well-being and satisfaction of every participant remains a top priority. Our comprehensive approach to meeting your organizational objectives is the key to establishing credibility within your community and achieving ongoing operational excellence.
HIGH FIVE® serves as your trusted partner in delivering exceptional experiences for participants. With a proven track record trusted by over 400 organizations across Canada, we guide every aspect, from staff development to securing funding and beyond.
Join the ranks of organizations like yours that prioritize quality, resulting in over 1 million satisfied participants annually.
With HIGH FIVE®, you're on the path to making a meaningful impact in the lives of your participants.

Our Impact

Over 12 Million
Over 12 million children have experienced quality recreation and sports programs with leaders implementing the HIGH FIVE® Principles and Design Guidelines.

Over 500 Quality HIGH FIVE® trainers are available to train sport and recreation leaders in your organization.